martes, 5 de julio de 2011

Cantos de Trabalho - Leon Hirszman (1974 - 1976)

Cantos de Trabalho - Mutirão (1974)

Duración: 12 min
Idioma: portugues(subtitulos: eng/fr/spa/ptBr)
País: Brazil

Description: Between 1974 and 1976, Leon Hirszman held three documentaries produced by the MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture) about the songs of the rural workers at the northeastern of Brazil. In the trilogy there is the documentation of the work songs of sugar cane CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR, the growers of cocoa CACAU, and team workers MUTIRÃO.
"It is a kind of partido-alto from the country, a group of samba at work" says the filmmaker who's a declared follower of the trail opened by Humberto Mauro and Mario de Andrade aiming the redemption of this cultural practice threatened with extinction.


“Mutirão” is a Portuguese word meaning participatory mutual aid; collective effort. Usually a community project that requires the effort of the whole group – for example when people get together to build a house.

The institution of collective work is universal. It exists in every country, with different forms of socialization. In Brazil, where the Native American heritage is mixed with the European and the African, the tradition of collective work songs barely survives, but it does, mainly in the countryside.
This movie records the collective preparation of a cornfield and the roofing of a house in Chã Preta, Alagoas state, in August 1974.
Different forms of collective work, neighbors collaborating with each other, everyone working for the benefit of one, doing a job that would be extremely extenuating or hard for one person alone.


Cantos de Trabalho - Cacau (1976)

Duración: 11 min
Idioma: portugues(subtitulos: eng/fr/spa/ptBr)
País: Brazil

Description: Between 1974 and 1976, Leon Hirszman held three documentaries produced by the MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture) about the songs of the rural workers at the northeastern of Brazil. In the trilogy there is the documentation of the work songs of sugar cane CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR, the growers of cocoa CACAU, and team workers MUTIRÃO.
"It is a kind of partido-alto from the country, a group of samba at work" says the filmmaker.


Work songs are, perhaps, the first songs men ever created. Their origin is lost in time. These remote songs were born during collective labor, coming from groups of people who organized to work together to perform a common task. Especially the first primordial task of man: to work the land and harvest its fruit.
The various activities involved in sowing, harvesting, husking, drying and crushing cocoa, inspire the creation of several songs and rhythms. Singing makes labor lighter and makes men more communicative and fraternal.
Harvesting and husking give birth to songs and laments and crushing cocoa inspires dances that establish the rhythm of the songs.
This documentary was shot in Itabuna, Bahia state, in May 1976. By this time work songs were already an endangered cultural manifestation. Changes in the countryside, growing urbanization and the influence of mass media tend to make them disappear.


Cantos de Trabalho - Cana-de-açúcar (1976)

Duración: 10 min
Idioma: portugues(subtitulos: eng/fr/spa/ptBr)
País: Brazil

Between 1974 and 1976, Leon Hirszman held three documentaries produced by the MEC (Brazilian Ministry of Education and Culture) about the songs of the rural workers at the northeastern of Brazil. In the trilogy there is the documentation of the work songs of sugar cane CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR, the growers of cocoa CACAU, and team workers MUTIRÃO.
"It is a kind of partido-alto from the country, a group of samba at work" says the filmmaker.


This documentary was shot in Feira de Santana, Bahia state, in May 1976. At that time, sugarcane plantation workers still sang like the men who did this kind of work centuries ago.
The high pitched sad tone of these songs brings us the lament of slaves. But the counterpoint of these voices reminds us of teamwork: the collective work of fellow men.
Working and singing people unite and come together in the collective task. Work and song are developed within the same rhythm.
Industrialization and the transformations it causes, growing urbanization and the mass communication system tend to extinguish this kind of cultural creation of the people.


muchas gracias a fati y davidonato!

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