domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

Duración: 89
Idioma: Bahasa Indonesian (con subtitulos incrustado en Holandes y soft en Ingles)
País: Indonesia y Holanda
IMDb Link:

Director: Vincent Monnikendam

Monnikedam reunió películas en nitrato conservadas en los archivos nacionales y rodadas por cameraman holandeses desde 1912 a 1933 en las colonias de las Indias. Compilando más de 200 películas realizó esta obra maestra, donde muestra cómo gobernaban los holandeses sus colonias y la imagen que ellos querían de su actuación social a través de los films. Los cantos y poemas dan a los indígenas una voz que atraviesa esta fachada, conduciéndonos a otro universo, todavía desconocido para nosotros.

"Monnikedam es un cineasta y antropólogo holandés que hizo un trabajo llamado Mother Dao, “The Turtlelike”. Juega mucho con el cine colonial de Indonesia, cuando fue la colonización holandesa en 1920 y está recolocando este material en la política de fines del siglo XX. Es difícil de explicar, pero digamos que está llevando una perspectiva antropológica a este proyecto pero a la vez es muy juguetón en este esfuerzo, entonces hay excepciones.(...) Ese es un ejemplo en el que realizadores y antropólogos trabajan muy cerca de la comunidad y básicamente dicen “úsanos”o “¿como podemos ayudarlos a facilitar lo que quieren hacer?”, pero esos son los ejemplos sobresalientes de personas que son especialmente activistas sociales, pero que están usando las herramientas de la antropología y del cine, para hacer la diferencia."
Eliane Charnov

A spare and elegant film constructed entirely from archival nitrate footage shot between 1912 and 1932 in the former Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Luminous anthropological images are set against a simple soundtrack of birdcalls, bells and murmuring voices, punctuated occasionally by native poems and songs.

Director's statement:

More than 260,000 meters of 35mm documentary nitrate film footage from the Dutch film archives served as the source material for this documentary. In a span of ninety minutes the film aims to show how the Netherlands administered its colony as a colonial enterprise and what the relations were like at the time. The usual commentary has been omitted and in its place poems and songs in Bahasa Indonesia have been included in a digital sound composition.

In Mother Dao the Turtlelike, the viewer sees how the colonial machinery in the 1920s was implanted in a world so different from Western Europe. He or she will witness various phenomena and aspects of that colonial enterprise - then at its peak - which, thanks to cinematography, were recorded. The shoots for the more than one thousand 35mm nitrate documentary films took place in the Dutch West Indies between 1912 and about 1933. All belong to the collections of the two Dutch film archives, and in the meantime the main corpus has been preserved.

The documentary starts with a shortened version of the legend of the inhabitants of Nias, an isle to the West of Sumatra. It was told that the earth was created by Mother Dao. When standing on the beach, the inhabitants of the island could see the horizon half curved like the shell of a turtle. So they called the creator of the world 'Mother Dao, the turtlelike.' At some point in time eternal, she collected the dirt off her body and kneaded it on her knee into a ball. That was the world. Later, she became pregnant, without knowing a man, and gave birth to a girl and a boy. They were the first people and they lived in a fertile world. And it was this fertile world that attracted the Europeans, and especially the Dutch, in their colonial endeavors. —Vincent Monnikendam

Mother Dao the Turtlelike has been screened at forty-eight international film festivals and has received eighteen awards and prizes, among them five Golden Awards. The film was proclaimed the best Dutch film of 1995.


gracias a plexi

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