viernes, 2 de marzo de 2012

Rouch in Reverse - Manthia Diawara (1985)

Duración: 52
Idioma: Ingles, Trances (Subtitulo en ingles incrustado)
País: Francia, Alemania
IMDb Link:

Director: Manthia Diawara

Description: Rouch in Reverse is the first film to look at European anthropology from an African perspective. Malian filmmaker and New York University professor, Manthia Diawara's provocative new film critiques visual anthropology through the work of Jean Rouch, perhaps the most distinguished ethnographic filmmaker living today. The resulting cross-cultural encounter is alternatively affectionate, strained, personal but always insightful - a film no one committed to a truly multi-cultural social science can afford to miss.

In this film, Diawara pioneers what he calls "reverse anthropology" - where the subjects of investigation study their former investigators. He explains: "I made this film on Rouch as a rite of passage for myself. Rouch has played such a key role in the representation of Africans on film. I wanted to pass through Rouch in order to render visible new African voices and images: the ones that defy stereotype and primitivism."

Diawara locates Rouch at the epicenter of 20th century ethnography as a collaborator in the Presence Africaine group with Michel Leiris and Marcel Griaule and as a founder of the cinema verite documentary movement. The two filmmakers discuss their sometimes contrasting views of clips from such seminal but rarely seen works as Rouch's Les maitres fous (The Mad Masters), Moi, un noir (Treichville) and Chronique d'ete (Chronicle of a Summer). Reflecting on Rouch's forty films, Diawara notes that the same European technology which preserved and appropriated traditional African cultures on film destroyed these same societies.

A cross-section of African intellectuals living in Paris discuss the difficulty of developing identities, simultaneously African and modern, in a society which persists in seeing them as "primitive." Rouch in Reverse enters into a vigorous intertextual dialogue with 20th century ethnography to decenter these familiar images so contemporary Africans can create their own version of the past and the present.


Gracias a Nala / Thanks a lot Nala

3 comentarios:

  1. Hello, thank you for the film. Unfortunatly It seems not possible (at least for me)to download the file: the download starts but it's very slow and it stops after some MB (Max 120 MB). It's possible to upload the file to a different website? Thanks for the help and for finding a so interesting film about Rouch...
