martes, 15 de diciembre de 2009

Tales From The Jungle

Exploring the work of Margaret Mead, this film investigates the 5 months Mead spent with the Samoans in the Twenties. Her resulting book, Coming Of Age In Samoa, had a huge impact on Western culture. Mead believed cultures like the Samoans could teach people how to live in harmony. Her book depicts a society of free love – devoid of jealousy and teenage turmoil. But, decades later, her work was criticised as being tainted by her romantic views and strong belief in liberal values. Tales From The Jungle examines whether Mead's study was merely misinterpretation and romantic wishful thinking.


This film investigates the controversy that surrounded Castaneda's book "Teachings of don Juan" and explores the practices of today's Yaqui Indians with Dr David Shorter, who has spent the last decade working among them in Mexico. An investigative journalist claimed Castaneda had faked his fieldwork and that Don Juan was merely a figment of his imagination.

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