jueves, 14 de marzo de 2013

Nueva editorial dedicada a los estudios de la imagen: SANS SOLEIL EDICIONES

PAGINA WEB: www.sanssoleil.es

Sans Soleil Ediciones es la rama editorial del Centro de Estudios de la imagen Sans Soleil, dedicada a la publicación de obras relacionadas con las temáticas de interés del centro. Se trata de una iniciativa sin ánimo de lucro que nace a principios del año 2013 con el propósito de cubrir, desde el compromiso y el rigor, un espacio todavía parcialmente tratado en lengua castellana como es el que ocupan los estudios de la imagen. Por estudios de la imagen entendemos todos aquellos acercamientos (multidisciplinares), bien desde la investigación, la reflexión crítica o desde la creación, a aquellas manifestaciones visuales acontecidas tanto en nuestra contemporaneidad como en tiempos pasados. La historia del arte, los estudios visuales, la teoría de la imagen, la antropología visual, la fotografía, el cine, los ensayos visuales, etc., encontrarán libre acomodo en Sans Soleil Ediciones, sin necesidad de responder a los moldes disciplinares que tan a menudo encorsetan o rechazan las propuestas más atrevidas y renovadoras.

Sans Soleil Ediciones no es una empresa productora de libros. Ni es una empresa, ni produce libros por dinero. Buscamos lectores, no meros consumidores. Se trata de una agrupación de individuos que creen en la posibilidad de una cultura comprometida con nuestra sociedad y con el conocimiento y, sobre todo, creen que es posible hacerlo al margen de los mecanismos editoriales dominantes; aquellos que precisamente han llevado a la ruina buena parte de las editoriales que anteponían la calidad y pertinencia de sus libros a las ventas que éstos pudieran generar. Aunque hoy día, inmersos como estamos en una deriva capitalista sin frenos, pareciera que un proyecto bajo estos presupuestos estaría definitivamente abocado al fracaso, las fuerzas y las ganas de sacarlo adelante permanecen intactas; quizás ahora más que nunca.

Se trata pues de una editorial que se gestiona de forma colaborativa como asociación cultural sin ánimo de lucro. De este modo conseguimos ofrecer libros de gran calidad, tanto en su contenido como también en su forma, a un precio lo más ajustado posible para que puedan llegar al máximo número de personas interesadas.

 La editorial se mantiene con las ventas de los libros, así como las suscripciones, sin las cuales sería imposible asegurar no ya su consolidación, sino su supervivencia.

viernes, 15 de febrero de 2013

John Tagg - The Disciplinary Frame: Photographic Truths and the Capture of Meaning

Photography can seem to capture reality and the eye like no other medium,commanding belief and wielding the power of proof. In some cases, a photographitself is attributed the force of the real. How can a piece of chemically discolored paper have such potency? How does the meaning of a photograph become fixed? In The Disciplinary Frame, John Tagg claims that, to answer these questions, we must look at the ways in which all that frames photographythe discourse that surrounds it and the institutions that circulate itdetermines what counts as truth.

U. of Minnesota Press
Año: 2009 
392 páginas


sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson in Bali: Their Use of Photography and Film (Ira Jacknis, 1988)

Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson in Bali: Their Use of Photography and Film
Author(s): Ira Jacknis
Source: Cultural Anthropology, Vol. 3, No. 2 (May, 1988), pp. 160-177

In 1939 Gregory Bateson and Margaret Mead returned from three years of  research in Bali and New Guinea, where  they had innovated in their use of photography and film as ethnographic media. A world at war soon drew them away to other concerns, but not before they had produced a photographic ethnography in 1942. Around 1950 Mead returned to the material, assembling another photographic study and a series of six films.

Although in its time Bateson and Mead's Balinese work was greeted with some puzzlement, by now these books and films have achieved the status of classics. In many ways they began the field of visual anthropology, and to this day there is little that can be compared to their work. Despite this landmark status,
their project has been subjected to surprisingly little reconsideration (Collier 1967:5-6; de Brigard 1975:26-27; Heider 1976:27-30).  As the first extended treatment of their use of photography and film in Bali, this essay offers a historical overview of their project, and then turns to a consideration of one out of the many
relevant theoretical issues-the  objectivity of  their record.' Though involved mainly with a visual medium, Bateson and Mead faced the same problems of representation as their colleagues relying solely on words. Thus, this essay will trace their process of turning "raw" field notes into finished ethnographies (Clifford and Marcus 1986)

martes, 9 de octubre de 2012

Visual Ethnography (Vol 1, No 1 (2012)) YA DISPONIBLE

Visual Ethnography is an online peer-reviewed journal dedicated to researches on the following topics: the production and the use of images and audiovisual media in the socio-cultural practices; the ethnographic representation through audiovisual media and devices (film, photography, multimedia, etc.); the gaze and the practices where vision is an important item for the construction of the meaning in the social relationships and practices; on the visual dimension of objects, bodies, places and environments. Moreover, the journal reserves a space for articles devoted to reflections on theories and methods of anthropology.

Visual Ethnography publishes two issues a year in five languages: Italian, English, French, Spanish and Portuguese. The interests of Visual Ethnography cross visual anthropology, media anthropology, visual cultures, museography, photography, contemporary art, cultural studies, film studies, anthropology of the senses, digital cultures, anthropological theory.


martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Gene Youngblood - Expanded Cinema (1970)

Expanded Cinema by Gene Youngblood (1970), the first book to consider video as an art form, was influential in establishing the field of media arts.[citation needed] In the book he argues that a new, expanded cinema is required for a new consciousness. He describes various types of filmmaking utilising new technology, including film special effects,computer art, video art, multi-media environments and holography. 



  PASSWORD / CONTRASEÑA: cuandoeltiemposopla

lunes, 27 de agosto de 2012

Bill Nichols - Introduction to Documentary (2001)

Introduction to Documentary provides a one-of-a-kind overview of the most important topics and issues in documentary history and criticism. Designed for students in any field that makes use of visual evidence and persuasive strategies, from the law to anthropology, and from history to journalism, this book spells out the distinguishing qualities of documentary. A wide-ranging and freewheeling form of filmmaking, documentary has not yet received a proper, written introduction to its public, or its future makers.

 Introduction to Documentary is not organized as a history of the form although its examples span a century of filmmaking. Instead, this book offers suggestive answers to basic issues that have stood at the center of all debate on documentary from its very beginnings to today. Each chapter takes up a distinct question from "How did documentary filmmaking get started?" to "Why are ethical issues central to documentary?" These questions move through issues of ethics, form, modes, voice, history and politics, among others. A final chapter addresses the question of how to write about documentary in a clear, convincing manner. Introduction to Documentary provides the foundational key to further explorations in this exceptionally vital area of filmmaking today.

 DESCARGAR / DOWNLOAD Bill Nichols - Introduction to Documentary (2001) 

 PASSWORD / CONTRASEÑA: cuandoeltiemposopla

Luc de Heusch - Estructura y praxis ensayos de antropología teórica (1973)

miércoles, 13 de junio de 2012

CRITIQUE OF ANTHROPOLOGY: Special Issue: Anthropology and Anarchy

 1. Holly High - Anthropology and anarchy: Romance, horror or science fiction?
 2. Tess Lea - When looking for anarchy, look to the state: Fantasies of regulation in forcing disorder within the Australian Indigenous estate
 3. Keir Martin - The ‘potlatch of destruction’: Gifting against the state
 4. Andrew Robinson and Simon Tormey - Beyond the state: Anthropology and ‘actually-existing-anarchism’
 5. Hjorleifur Jonsson - Paths to freedom: Political prospecting in the ethnographic record
 6. Felix Ringel - Towards anarchist futures? Creative presentism, vanguard practices and anthropological hopes
7. Nikolai Ssorin-Chaikov - Writing power: An anarchist anthropologist in the looking glass of critical theory
8. Stephen Nugent - Anarchism out West: Some reflections on sources